Junior Pioneers

The Pioneers Association of South Australia currently has currently over 100 Junior Pioneer members from many regions of South Australia, interstate and even overseas. Membership is through nomination by parents or grandparents. Each year we hold two special events designed to develop these young citizens’ knowledge and understanding of the early history of South Australia.



In 1999, PioneersSA Life Member and former Membership Officer, Margaret Grierson, introduced the category of Junior Pioneer descendant membership. Her foresight in 1999 established an opportunity for younger members to be proud of their ancestors, learn of our early pioneer settlers, and gain greater understanding of early South Australian history.


Become a Pioneers SA Junior Pioneer Member

New Junior Pioneers are always welcome.


This is a wonderful gift for all children or grandchildren. It helps them understand the concept of family genealogy and how the way people have lived over the years has changed. They gain a sense of community and a respect for history by visiting special places and hearing stories of past events and people.


Membership is a one-off payment of $30.00 which extends from the joining date until the age of 18: there is no ongoing annual subscription. The benefits include a certificate of membership, invitations to attend two special events each year, recognition of the member’s birthday each year, and – possibly most importantly – opportunities to meet other pioneer descendants.


All details and membership forms are located on our website click here to go the membership page or you email membership@pioneerssa.org.au.